Thursday, 28 January 2016


Today I had an opportunity to spend a whole hour by myself, during the WEEK! I was very excited, and my mind was racing overtime reminding me that I wanted to pop into all the stores I never get a chance to when I'm with Lily. Well, most of them I can visit but I can't take my time and just browse. 

But instead, I decided to sit still, enjoy some tea and a slice of THE most delicious dark chocolate cake and read my book. A real luxury. No social media, no messages. No phone time, apart from taking this photo. 

And what a pleasure it was to enjoy this time while literally, smelling the roses. 


Tuesday, 19 January 2016


While browsing around a charity shop yesterday picking some books for Lily I came across this book.

I recognized it instantly!! As a small child I spent many of my days walking around the corner to the mobile library. I would be excited for days and took much pleasure from getting my books ready, returning them to the mobile library and then selecting new ones to take home to read. 

This book was one that I read quite a few times. I'm not quite sure why but I was always drawn to it. I loved the images too. When I look at the illustrations now I still love them. Everything about it is sweet. I loved the whole range of stories. And strangely enough I was thinking about this very book a few weeks ago so I was extremely pleased when I discovered it. I remember another book, with a wedding in the story. That too kept me fascinated. I hope to find that book one day too.

As a child I never noticed the breastfeeding image. To me it was just a picture, nothing strange about it. But now as an adult, as a mother that picture stood out. I think it's wonderful that a children's story shows a mother breastfeeding. Of course an image of a mother bottle feeding her baby is just as wonderful, but it's great that the story didn't shy away from showing young children something natural like a boob!

I've decided not to show Lily this book just yet and keep it for when we have baby number two. This will make story time all the more interesting! And i'll be purchasing the whole range :)

You can find the books here: Usborne Children's Books