Sunday, 19 July 2015


Every mother has at some point, compared herself to other mothers. It's hard not to with the media constantly shoved in our faces. We'll compare ourselves to the mothers we follow on the Instagram, the mothers we pass on the street, to the mothers we know personally. Most of these comparisons will usually happen on a bad day. The kind of day where everything goes wrong or you just feel like you can't hold it together. But these days are the ones you should be extra kind to yourself. Every mother has felt the way you do right now.

That mother you're comparing yourself to might look happy and bubbly today, with freshly washed hair. Her little toddler is wearing matching clothes. Her toddler is sitting peacefully in the pram while you wait in the queue at the post office (unlike your little one who is wailing to get out of the pram). You might even see a mother jogging with her little one in her jogger pram, making you feel unfit and lazy. The point is, on the days you feel low you will see many mothers that look like they have it together, their toddlers are being little angels and you can't help but compare yourself - feeling inadequate or like a failure. But remember that you didn't see that mother on her bad day. When she was also wearing clothes with food and formula on it that she failed to notice, when her hair still hadn't seen shampoo for the 4th day , when her baby was having a cranky day, basically when she too, was having a terrible day. What you don't realise is that she was probably comparing herself to you. Because we all do it. We all have those days. All mothers are human.

So remember - be kind to yourself. 


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